Thanks for stopping by!

If you are here because you read my letter and wanted some more information...THANK YOU! I am pleased to know that you took even the smallest amount of time to check out my blog. I haven't made very many posts yet but I will be posting more and more as my departure date gets closer. And boy, is that day soon. I feel like time is just flying by. They haven't set an actual date for us but they guess its the first week of January. That only gives me about 2 months. Two months to raise almost $5,000. Two months to mentally prepare myself for this big change. So check back in every so often. Each time I get a donation I will thank that person right here on the blog. Hope to see your name on here soon!!


Acceptance Email!

"Dear Amy,
Congratulations on your acceptance to our Costa Rica Program! We are very excited to have you on board.

We just sent you your acceptance email...

Again, congratulations and please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions!

Flora L-H"

New Layout

Being unemployed is good for one thing: geekin' out! I have played around with this layout for awhile and finally got it to look ALMOST exactly like I want it to. Save a few over-sized titles, I think it looks pretty good. I especially like the links!