Orosi, Orosi, Orosi

We passed a crazy bus/trunk thing on our way into town but I sorta ignored it. I was a little upset and didn’t really care about a bunch of crazy guys in the back of pickup jumping and going crazy. Well little did I know that these boys would soon follow us home. Or actually we beat them to their home. We, Sarah, Meryl, Rachael, and I, figured out that that was the Orosi under 17 professional soccer team on their way back from a silver medal placement in a their first tournament. Everyone was gather on the street between the plaza and the church, waiting to welcome their boys home. And boy, what a welcome it was. They were still on the back of that truck jumping a cheering. It seemed as if the whole town was there. The pulled up and the people surrounded the truck. There was music and cheering and showing off of medals. It was so beautiful. Everyone was so proud, even me, a temporary Orosian. Finally we walked away, letting the real fans enjoy the big win. And as we four girls were walking away from big party someone said “Now that was the perfect ending to a perfect weekend.” I think that someone was me.

Pura Vida!
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